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Members and Friends of Advent Lutheran Church,
It is that time when we reflect on the past year and plan for the future. When I look back at 2022 I see that our family has been truly blessed. We celebrated our daughter Rachel’s engagement, helped her sister Nicole move to a new apartment closer to her work, and enjoyed the lake with friends and family. The kids from Advent came over for the day to go tubing and share some fellowship. Our grandson Evan fell in love with fishing. This past week I saw the beauty of God’s creation. While kayaking I was 50 feet from a bald eagle and days later watched a moose cross the road. I encourage each of you to reflect on the past year and remember the little things that warmed your heart.
Here at Advent, we had another successful year doing God’s work. We have been able to worship together and live stream our services. We continued our drive thru meals. January was subs, in March we did an Irish stew, we had our 4th Pig Roast and then Octoberfest. The dinners were well attended as our community struggled with the price of groceries. We hosted the town wide yard sale again this year which was a great success. We are investing in our sound system to improve the online experience as well as enriching the service in the church. We are preparing for our Winter Market and then we will be into the holiday season. During the holidays we support the Keene Women’s Shelter with gift cards. We had many blessings this past year. In what ways do you share your blessings? Taking a meal to a neighbor, calling a friend to see how they are doing, or just listening to someone that needs to talk. How can we look outward? Here are a few areas that Lutherans are involved in that we sometimes forget, World Hunger and disaster relief. The ELCA is helping Florida recover from the hurricane.
This year I encourage each of you to write down something you are grateful for. There is an easel in the narthex to write down a blessing. We will also have a few members of the congregation talk about a blessing they have received.
Stewardship is something we are all involved in at times. As we approach our Commitment Sunday on October 30th, please consider the gifts you have been given and those you have to give.
1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
We all have unique gifts to share. I ask that you reflect, pray and consider what time, talents and treasures you can share with Advent Lutheran. We are blessed with dedicated leaders, gifted musicians, beautiful voices to sing in the choir and a small but mighty work force that provides many services to the congregation and the community.
I invite you to prayerfully consider what you can contribute for the coming year. Enclosed is a pledge letter for you to review and return to the church. This commitment helps the council prepare for the coming year.
Yours in Christ,
Glenn Weiland. Stewardship Chair
Stewardship form 2023 (pdf)
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